Ministry Training


Ministry Training

What’s On Your “Screen” For Ministry?

Breakout Ministries is offering  a series of videos for those who would like to discover and utilize their God-given gifts in the work of the Kingdom. Breakout Ministries is committed to equipping individuals for the work of the ministry. We believe that an individual can reach full potential when actively engaged in what they have been called by God to accomplish.  This video series may be viewed HERE.

Entitled “What’s On Your Screen For Ministry“, these leadership training videos use the fundamentals of Spiritual Bootcamp for Overcomers, which teaches an individual to recognize how the Holy Spirit is leading them in their life to be subsequently empowered for action. You will learn what your gifts are, and then attend workshops to train you how to use these gifts by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your life.

“What’s on Your Screen for Ministry” is a seminar to help lead you to become a partner with Holy Spirit in ministry. The seminar will examine in depth the following four topics and how they apply to your personal life:

  1.  The anointing of Holy Spirit
  2. Your giftings that have have been bestowed on you from the Lord
  3.  How discernment can assist you in wading through all of the hindrances that are “out there” to keep you from discovering what is truly “on your screen”. Learn how to translate what you see and hear into action for Kingdom purposes.
  4. How warfare in the spirit can push aside all of the contrary forces that are holding you back.

Special message from the Senior Pastors:

Greetings to all brethren who we love in the Lord Jesus. The spark has been set to the explosive atmosphere for partnership with the Holy Spirit.

It is time for people to get on the information highway of the anointing for the work of the Gospel ministry. What’s on Your Screen for Ministry is the 2nd series in the Spiritual Bootcamp for Overcomers venue that the Lord has prompted us to release.

This series explains the partnership we have with the Holy Spirit – how we receive, how we discern what we are receiving, and how to act on this information.

The Holy Spirit has been prompting us all to partner with Him in the work of the ministry on Earth. Mary and I are expecting a wave of the Holy Spirit upon our church and ministry as we see people released in revelation. We hope it will unleash the hearers to action based on what they are hearing and seeing from the Holy Spirit.

The main topics discussed are:

1) Anointing
2) Discernment
3) Gifts and Calling
4) Spiritual Warfare


Kind regards in Christ,

~ Ronald Buch

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